
English Language Challenges

    Well, I've done English two, three and four at FAU and it's helped me learn a little more English. I had English in my previous schools but it wasn't very good. Regarding the blogs, I think that beyond helping me to write in English, I have learned more about the thoughts of my colleagues which has been interesting and entertaining. Because of all the pandemic stuff I haven't met them, but through the blogs I think you can get closer to them. In addition to the courses and classes, I still have a lot of work to do in speaking English, I am too embarrassed to speak in English, the words don't flow and I don't have many opportunities to speak in English with people so I don't practice it either. I can understand what I read, but speaking it is still too much of a challenge for me. In the future, I will have to continue taking courses to be able to improve in this aspect, learning English is vital for me, I want to travel and meet people and I am afra...

My study programme

  I have been in the FAU for 3 years, this is my sixth semester, is the first carrear I have studied and until this moment, I liked the classes of the program but i would still change some things. The first of these would be the duration of some subjects, for example, ergonomy, is a very important subject that in my opinion should last longer, because you end up passing a lot of content, in a very short time, which makes it a very stressful subject and you end up hating it a little bit. I really would have liked some subjects to last longer so that I could go deeper into them, but in a calm way. Another thing that would add to the curricular programme it would be to implement more exits to design work environments, from industries to design fairs for know more about how is the work area of a designer. Everyone can go to these places on their own, but the issue is time, we usually do not have time to assist these places so it would be important to enable spaces within the progra...

My opinion...

  Here´s my opinion about some topics In my opinion, buy pets only promote the animal trafficking as if they were objects and not living beings. Some people only buy pets because they are cute when they are still babies and once they grow up they get rid of them and end up like the hundreds of dogs or cats on the streets. We must be more conscientious about this, love and respect them, not treat them as if they were products. About climate change, I hope that everyone will see that it is real and that different actions must be taken to stop this, because it is not only an environmental issue, is also an economic and social one. I think that many years ago the government should have taken accurate measures in favor of the environment and its surroundings, leaving aside, even if it was a moment, the market policy. Related to the previous topic is also the recycling, in my opinion, not only should we be aware of the consequences of not taking care of our "garbage", also the co...

My future job

  Honestly, I’m still not entirely clear on which area of design I want to work but I have more clarity about the conditions that I want   for my ideal future job and some ideas of how as this job would be. I imagine myself working with a group of people sharing ideas for a projects or products, in a round table with a lot of boards, post-its in everywhere, like when we have Project class at the FAU.  Some days at the office and other days researching outside the office and collecting information, because in design you have to observe a lot about what is going on around you if you want to design and do a good job. I will like to share with people of different areas of expertise to create things or give solutions more innovative. I hope on this work the opportunities to travel it will be many, to different part of Chile and other countries, to know and learn more about other cultures and realities. About the salary, enough to pay for my basic needs and that I ...

My best Holidays

  About three years ago, i traveled to the south of Chile for a one week. I went with my mom, my brother and my dad, it was one of the last holidays in which I was with my brother. It was a car trip, with a lot many stops along the road. The first night we were in a hotel in Puerto Montt and then in the next morning we crossed the Chacao’s Channel to Chiloé, our first destination. Everything was so green and peaceful on this island, you could only see the beautiful landscape and cows, a lot of cows. The first days we were camping in “El tronco de oro”, we have a great time there, It rains a lot in the morning, then in the afternoons the sun came out and in the evenings we made a campfire near the lake, was a very quiet and relaxed place. One of the many places we visited in Chiloé it was the famous “Muelle de las Almas”, the road to get there is long, the view from that place is amazing, the place has a mystical air. After being in Chiloé, we spent some days in Valdivia, ...


  I dream a lot of times with go to Japan in sometime in my life.  The eastern world is a whole new and different world for those who live under the western rules so it’s a pretty interesting destination for to know new ways to think and to live.  Other thing about Japan is the way in that the culture, tradition and technological advancements can coexist without prejudicial one to the other; different from what happens here in Chile, which is very surprising. And the last point is as a future designer, I would like open my vision and learn about to the technology and the creation in this country, specifically in the area of the automotive manufacturing and the robotic. These three reasons and more that’s why I would like to live and work for a little while, in Japan. Oh! i would like to go for the food too! Miso soup, yudofu and a lot other amazing things!