English Language Challenges


Well, I've done English two, three and four at FAU and it's helped me learn a little more English. I had English in my previous schools but it wasn't very good.

Regarding the blogs, I think that beyond helping me to write in English, I have learned more about the thoughts of my colleagues which has been interesting and entertaining. Because of all the pandemic stuff I haven't met them, but through the blogs I think you can get closer to them.

In addition to the courses and classes, I still have a lot of work to do in speaking English, I am too embarrassed to speak in English, the words don't flow and I don't have many opportunities to speak in English with people so I don't practice it either. I can understand what I read, but speaking it is still too much of a challenge for me. In the future, I will have to continue taking courses to be able to improve in this aspect, learning English is vital for me, I want to travel and meet people and I am afraid to do it without knowing another language besides Spanish.

As I mentioned before, I don't practice any English outside of class, only when I watch movies in English and try to understand what they say without watching the subtitles. I have thought about taking other courses outside of the university so that I can "let go" and speak more fluently in English, sometimes in my head I manage to answer in English but when it comes to saying it the words do not come out of my mouth, I am terrified of speaking in English, but I know that by practicing more, someday I will succeed.


  1. I hope you can achieve your goals. I imagine that improve our English must be difficult, but also satisfactory and very useful.

  2. I guess english it's a matter of practice. Sadly there are very few moments in which we can practice and go a little bit further. But anyways, keep on going and you could achieve your travelling goals!

  3. it's true, it has been interesting to meet our classmates through blogs


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