My best Holidays


About three years ago, i traveled to the south of Chile for a one week. I went with my mom, my brother and my dad, it was one of the last holidays in which I was with my brother.

It was a car trip, with a lot many stops along the road. The first night we were in a hotel in Puerto Montt and then in the next morning we crossed the Chacao’s Channel to Chiloé, our first destination.

Everything was so green and peaceful on this island, you could only see the beautiful landscape and cows, a lot of cows.

The first days we were camping in “El tronco de oro”, we have a great time there, It rains a lot in the morning, then in the afternoons the sun came out and in the evenings we made a campfire near the lake, was a very quiet and relaxed place.

One of the many places we visited in Chiloé it was the famous “Muelle de las Almas”, the road to get there is long, the view from that place is amazing, the place has a mystical air.

After being in Chiloé, we spent some days in Valdivia, this city also has many tourist attractions, we lacked time to visit all the places that they had recommended to us! 

 We visited the “Fuerte de Niebla” , ate many of chocolate and drink some beer too.

 But beyond the places and things we did, I remember this holidays with much love because it was a lot of nice time in family, my brother no longer lives with us and we all go out less and less together so this vacation made me remember the old days and the how much fun you can have with those you love, laughter and fun moments are never missing!


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