My study programme
I have been in the FAU for 3 years, this is my sixth semester, is the first carrear I have studied and until this moment, I liked the classes of the program but i would still change some things. The first of these would be the duration of some subjects, for example, ergonomy, is a very important subject that in my opinion should last longer, because you end up passing a lot of content, in a very short time, which makes it a very stressful subject and you end up hating it a little bit. I really would have liked some subjects to last longer so that I could go deeper into them, but in a calm way. Another thing that would add to the curricular programme it would be to implement more exits to design work environments, from industries to design fairs for know more about how is the work area of a designer. Everyone can go to these places on their own, but the issue is time, we usually do not have time to assist these places so it would be important to enable spaces within the progra...